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- Millionaire Clipper Model
Millionaire Clipper Model
How do you think that people along the lines of Iman Gadzi, Andrew Tate, Sneako, Luke Belmar, Adin Ross, and Speed actually became famous?

Hey, you’re one of the very few who have access to the Kaizen Sunday edition! You’ll receive an email like this every Sunday covering a business model or a way to make money that you likely haven’t heard of before. You’ll also get a new thing to try for the week ahead as well as some advice from The Kaizen Team
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How do you think that people along the lines of Iman Gadzi, Andrew Tate, Sneako, Luke Belmar, Adin Ross, and Speed actually became famous?
Do you think it was because they just made good content? They had a good team behind them. Do they know the hacks to blow up on the internet?
Well, what if you were told that these people that you see all over the internet (assuming you know who they are) don’t actually make their own content, minus a few exceptions?
These people get 100’s of millions of views a month yet don’t press publish on anything themselves.
These people go viral because of one thing: omnipresence.
The art of being everywhere, all the time, all at once.
These people didn’t go viral because they knew how to make a captivating piece of content, but because you can’t escape them.
And here’s the hack for how they do exactly that:

Instead of making a quality, curated piece of content that is perfectly pieced together with the right retention hacks, they have people that they pay to distribute their faces everywhere.
They will make a piece of content, such as a podcast, send that podcast to a team of 'clippers', and those clippers will post clips of their podcast all over the internet, countless times a day on countless different accounts.
The reason this works so well is because social media is a numbers game. It’s like spinning the wheel; the more you spin, the more chances you have of landing on the jackpot and ultimately going viral.
The money isn't only, however, in going viral; it’s in paying the people to make them go viral.
These well-known faces will pay individuals thousands upon thousands a month to get their faces everywhere because virality ultimately allows them to make money.
These ‘clippers’ aren’t special; they don’t have a talent that you don’t have; they just play the game of volume and hit ‘produce’, ‘produce’, ‘produce’ over and over again.
So how is this a viable business for you?
Well, you can do the exact same thing. If you can pick people who would benefit from going viral and offer them the opportunity to spread their name across the entire internet, chances are they will say yes to that offer.
The reason being that attention is money in the eyes of those who know what to do with it; if you can provide them that attention, then you have given them the first ingredient to make a bucketload of money.

So, what skills do you need yourself?
As we all know, all of these ‘business models’ are comprised of a few skills that are merged together, which means it's important to look at the skills that are required so that you know where to start.
Skill 1: Social Media
With the skill of social media, you don’t need to be a genius; you just need to understand how it works, why people get views, and what captivates an audience.
Skill 2: Project management
If you want to scale a clipping agency, then you need to hire others so that they can also clip and post videos, which means that you’ll need to manage projects and people.
Skill 3: Video editing
This clipping model doesn’t require a high level of video editing but just a basic understanding.

So, how can you get started yourself?
1) Find the person or type of person that you want to turn viral!
Your best bet is to pick a type of person who doesn’t only want to go viral but also needs to go viral in order to run their business or succeed in whatever it is that they are doing.
2) Create a plan of attack.
How are you going to make them go viral? How often are you going to post, etc.?
3) Do your outreach.
Reach out to your target clients and create a no-brainer offer for them.
4) Deliver your result.
Get those views!

If you have a problem you’ve recently faced or a question you think needs a clear answer, send us an email at [email protected] and in next week's edition, we will feature it anonymously, giving you the best advice we can!
See you next week!