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  • THIS Is What Makes Someone Ultra-Successful

THIS Is What Makes Someone Ultra-Successful

There are different levels of success in life. You may consider success a nice car and a big house; you may consider it getting the top position at your company or having a big, loving family. Regardless of what it is, there is a whole new level to success, a level that surpasses a big house being the dream goal, and this level is utter freedom.


“The older you get, the more you realize it's less about what you want and more about what you're willing to give up.”

Mark Manson


422 Words | 1 Min 22 Sec Read

There are different levels of success in life.

You may consider success a nice car and a big house; you may consider it getting the top position at your company or having a big, loving family.

Regardless of what it is, there is a whole new level to success, a level that surpasses a big house being the dream goal, and this level is utter freedom.

Freedom with your time, freedom with your money, and freedom with your location

This level of success is one that very few people reach in their lives.

It’s one that people tend to think they have hit because they can go on more than 2 weeks of holiday a year, but ultimately very few people do.

The main reason for this is that people don’t understand the kind of person you have to be to reach this level.

It’s not enough to try to replicate the career path that they chose or the food that they eat.

You have to know what attributes they have that make them who they are.

Here are three of them:

They look at what 99% of the population is doing and do the polar opposite.

There’s a reason that there are such a small number of people with this level of success, and that is because to get there, they had to do the opposite of what the majority do.

When the majority goes right, you have to go left. When others are fearful, be greedy.

They used leverage in some way, shape, or form to get what they wanted out of life.

Leverage is using something that already exists to further your own cause, and if you look, you’ll find a common pattern of this use case among successful people.

Airbnb found people who wanted to rent out their homes and leveraged them to create a marketplace in order to cash out the middleman check!

They stayed consistent with their goal and their mission.

Focused dedication and consistency will outperform any other method of growth.

You have to be almost mentally unstable to have the sheer belief that something that has no proof of working will work.

Especially in the modern day, there are distractions wherever you look—distractions that, for the average person, would knock them right off course, which you have to ignore and stay loyal to your goals.

So is this everything that makes someone extremely successful?

No, definitely not, but they are common attributes that you will see amongst them, so they are worth noting down.


What makes someone ultra-successful?

  • They look at what 99% of the population is doing and do the polar opposite.

  • They used leverage in some way, shape, or form to get what they wanted out of life.

  • They stayed consistent with their goal and their mission.


The book of the week is ‘Peak’ by Anders Ericsson, a book about the science behind how to hit peak performance and become the best you can possibly be using various methods and principles. Read it HERE


The creator of the week is @Dalati, a self improvement based creator on the mission to help you become the best version of yourself and unlock your potential. Check him out!


Goals are for vision and filtration.

Systems are for habits and action.

If you don’t filter opportunities through your goals, your attention will bounce around mindlessly toward shiny objects (and you won’t have a chance at creating a system that achieves your goals).

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