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  • šŸŒ³ Are You Living For Yourself Or Someone Else?

šŸŒ³ Are You Living For Yourself Or Someone Else?

This is a serious question that you have to ask yourself. A lot of people are living out others' dream lives. In many cases, this may be your parents, your families or the dreams of those around you as they create the ā€˜idealā€™ path they think you should go down and direct you down it.


ā€œWaste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.ā€

Marcus Aurelius

In simple terms, most people contemplate what they should be doing yet they push their own self-improvements to the next day. Be the person you know you should.


Whose dreams are you living for?

This is a serious question that you have to ask yourself. A lot of people are living out others' dream lives. In many cases, this may be your parents, your families or the dreams of those around you as they create the ā€˜idealā€™ path they think you should go down and direct you down it. Commonly this is a particular path of education or career or even in some cases sport/day-to-day activities and this can be an extremely hard situation to be in, the reason being is because you owe everything to those that brought you up and if they are pushing you down a path it almost feels insulting to ignore or go against it.

But do you want to live out someone elseā€™s dreams? Do you want to live as an avatar that someone else is in control of throughout your whole life? Sometimes it can be even more complicated where you donā€™t even know that youā€™re being pushed down a path and you donā€™t know that itā€™s not what you truly want to do.

It may be the hardest decision you have to make but you canā€™t live someone elseā€™s dream as well as yours. Sometimes you have to let othersā€™ dreams die for yours to live

Pick and choose who you take advice from wisely

You need to make sure that you pick and choose who you let dictate your decisions as well as who you take advice from. With family, this can be difficult because these are the people you trust but if you have any sort of ambition you have to realise deep down that you want more than they have prospected for you.

A good rule of thumb when it comes to taking advice is to only take advice from those that are in a position that you want to be in. If they did not walk the path that you aspire to walk do not take advice from them because thinking about it logically, youā€™ll only become more like them.

This doesn't mean you canā€™t hear them out because every perspective offers some value whether it provides clarity on what to do or what not to do, but only take actionable advice from those you aspire to be like.

Youā€™ll never be criticized by someone doing more than you, only those doing less

When you have aspirations and you put them on display, you will get called names, people will say things about you behind your back and you will lose some friends that donā€™t truly want the best for you but thatā€™s okay.

Just remember that you will never be criticized by someone doing more than you, only those doing less. Remember that when you say you are going to be the biggest in the gym, everyone will laugh at you apart from the biggest guy in the gym because he knows what itā€™s like to be in your position and have the same ambition.

You can pick and choose when and where to take offence, advice, and inspiration so choose wisely.


Analyse yourself and your own life. Are you living out your own dream or someone elseā€™s?


You can pick and choose when and where to take offence, advice, and inspiration so choose wisely.


The book of the week is Relentless by Tim Grover, a brilliant and inspirational read written by the personal trainer of some of the worldā€™s greatest athletes such as Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan. He gives an insight into their minds, how they work and how to make it from good to great to relentless. Check it out HERE


The creator of the week is @Maxilifts a UK-based fitness creator with an Inspirational self-improvement twist on his content. Heā€™s extremely transparent and shares common problems that young people face with insights on how to combat them. Definitely check him out HERE 


Youā€™ll never be criticized by someone doing more than you, only those doing less

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