🌳 How To live A Healthy Life

The most common attributes you think of when asked ‘how do you live a healthy life?’ are probably along the lines of wealth, health & happiness right? And although you're not wrong, there are some more unconventional attributes that lead to a healthy life that you may have overlooked.


“If you ever feel envious of other people's wins, remember:

Success isn't a zero sum game.

Celebrate theirs and they'll help you with yours.”

Kieran Drew


355 Words | 1 Min 17 Sec Read

The most common attributes you think of when asked ‘how do you live a healthy life?’ are probably along the lines of wealth, health & happiness right?

And although you're not wrong, there are some more unconventional attributes that lead to a healthy life that you may have overlooked.

Creativity - A healthy life involves creativity.

I mean this in the literal sense. Creative pursuits (art, dance, music, etc.) have been proven to reduce stress and provide numerous health benefits. Furthermore, I believe these activities are good for you because it’s healthy to contribute something to the world around you.

Creativity also keeps you grounded. People who spend their life creating understand how hard it is to make something valuable. They appreciate great work. They respect the willingness to take a risk and the effort required to be part of the conversation. They live in the arena instead of judging from the crowd.

Physicality - Nobody dreams about typing at a keyboard.

Almost everything we fantasize about involves a physical action: making the game-winning shot, travelling the world, and creating beautiful art. To accomplish the things we dream about, we are required to be makers, explorers, and creators. We are required to move and become active participants in life. In other words, to live fulfilling lives, we need to live physical lives.

Too often, however, we take for granted the opportunity that our health gives us to live a life that’s true to us. Good health allows you to actively participate in your life. Not everyone chooses to live fully, but if you’re not physically fit then you can’t even make the choice if you wanted to do so.

Connection - Human beings are the most social creatures on planet Earth.

Fundamentally, we are here for connection. So, I have trouble believing that you are living a healthy life if it doesn't involve others.

Furthermore, the people you connect with will either make you or destroy you. Those who have already walked through the fire can help you do the same. And those who haven’t will make it seem impossible for you to do so.


The real formula to a healthy life is what you make it. Try to explore what means a lot to you, what gives you purpose and reason to wake up in the morning and make it an everyday part of your life.


Creativity - A healthy life involves creativity.

Physicality - Nobody dreams about typing at a keyboard.

Connection - Human beings are the most social creatures on planet Earth.


The book of the week is ‘Start with why’ By Simon Sinek. A book about how great leaders inspire everyone to take action and in premise how you can do the same. It’s a book about human psychology and not one to miss out on. Check it out HERE


The creator of the week is @tomnoske, Hes an Australian-based creator that makes content focused on helping you build your own personal brand and improve yourself in many ways. He shares knowledge, Insights and tips on how to become a better version of yourself. Check him out HERE


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