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  • Your Limitations Are Your Advantage

Your Limitations Are Your Advantage

History is filled with examples of people who embraced their limitations rather than fought them. Dr. Seuss wrote his most famous book by only using 50 different words.


“If you accomplish something good with hard work, the labor passes quickly, but the good endures; if you do something shameful in pursuit of pleasure, the pleasure passes quickly, but the shame endures.”

Musonius Rufus


362 Words | 1 Min 19 Sec Read

History is filled with examples of people who embraced their limitations rather than fought them.

  • Dr. Seuss wrote his most famous book by only using 50 different words.

  • Jan Koum built WhatsApp despite being an immigrant and growing up in poverty.

  • Ingvar Kamprad only had enough money to start a business selling matchsticks. He turned it into IKEA.

Our limitations provide us with the greatest opportunity for creativity and inventiveness because our tools are limited.

If you had to clean up a garden with an unlimited amount of tools at your disposal, you wouldn’t know where to start, whereas if you had just a pair of sheers, gloves, and a bag, I’m sure you would get right to it.

It can be easy to spend our life complaining about the opportunities that are withheld from us and the resources that we need to make our goals a reality.

But there is an alternative.

You can use your constraints to drive creativity.

You can embrace your limitations to foster skill development.

The problem is rarely the opportunities we have, but how we use them. The only thing needed to begin a new life is a new perspective, so, let your limitations fill you with strength rather than deplete your power.

The more we limit ourselves, the more resourceful we become.

Remember all those prison break movies?

They don’t break out with chainsaws and concrete cutters, they have nothing but a plastic spoon and gum wrappers, and they manage to get creative and resourceful!

It’s also a common problem we all have today with social media. We are constantly overwhelmed with everything at once, and we fail to appreciate the small things.

Ideas and creativity don’t come from scrolling on TikTok but from walking through a field with only your own thoughts to consult.

So try it, take away your abundance of choices and see how your behaviour changes.


Either you have limited resources and therefore now you know how to use that to your advantage or you have too many resources and can’t seem to be creative or come up with any ideas.

Either way, now you’ve found your solution.


The book of the week is Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman - It’s a book about how our minds are typically tripped up by error and prejudice and gives you practical techniques for slower, smarter thinking. Check It Out!


The creator of the week is @williamscxtt, a self-improvement & fitness creator who brings a refreshing take to the mindset side of social media - Check him out!


How to become instantly happier in life:

Lower your expectations of others & increase your expectations for yourself.


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