Let's Start Creating Your Future

If you’re in a position in life where you feel like you’re completely stuck with no purpose, no calling, no passion, or direction, then you’re in what’s known as an early life crisis. This is a result of everything around you moving so quickly and you feeling like you need to catch up and be one step ahead of the curve. It’s a problem many young people face when trying to decipher what direction to take their lives, and many people stay in this crisis for months to years at a time.


“Talent alone won’t make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the right time, unless you are ready.”

Johnny Carson


380 Words | 1 Min 23 Sec Read

If you’re in a position in life where you feel like you’re completely stuck with no purpose, no calling, no passion, or direction, then you’re in what’s known as an early life crisis. This is a result of everything around you moving so quickly and you feeling like you need to catch up and be one step ahead of the curve. It’s a problem many young people face when trying to decipher what direction to take their lives, and many people stay in this crisis for months to years at a time.

There is, however, a solution to this issue, and it’s using three particular stepping stones to help provide clarity on what next step to take. Here are the stepping stones:

  1. Finding your Ikigai

If you’re unsure of what Ikegai means, it’s essentially the intersection of what you love, what you can be paid for, what the world needs, and what you’re good at. Early on, this is hard to figure out, but making it your mission to figure this out and putting all of your focus into discovering the answer to those 4 questions will give you clarity and a clear next step forward, which is ultimately what you need.

  1. Look at people who are already living the life that you want to live.

Although you may not know what you want to do with your life, hopefully you’ll know the kind of life that you aspire to have, and because everything is online these days, you can find people who are living your dream life and reverse engineer their journey to figure out how they got their start.

This is a method that was never available prior to this day and age, so it’s one to take advantage of.

  1. Start doing something.

The last thing you want to be doing is doing nothing and waiting for something to come around that peaks your interest that you pursue. Start laying the foundations for yourself to build something on top of. An example of this would be building a personal brand. Start documenting your mundane life, and others will relate. From here, you can take it in any direction you want when you find your purpose. You’ll also gain experience, which will keep you busy from day to day.


Take the first step in exploring the above: who is living a life that you aspire to have? What can you start doing to give yourself a first step?


3 steps you can take to start creating your future:

  1. Finding your Ikigai

  2. Look at people who are already living the life that you want to live.

  3. Start doing something.


The book of the week is ‘Shoe Dog’ by Phil Knight, the creator of Nike. The book is a memoir of the creation of Nike. It shares the journey and stories around the creation of Nike, including the setbacks and tribulations. Get it HERE.


The creator of the week is @Danieldargan, a self-improvement creator who makes motivational, straight-to-the point content pretty much daily. He’s a refreshing voice for your feed, so definitely check him out.


You don't have to prove anything to anybody, ever. Including yourself.

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