Do This To Get Ahead In 2024

In the world we live in, there lies a coin, and on either side of the coin lie two completely different types of people. On one side, you have the consumers—consumers of media, music, products, services, art, and entertainment—and on the other side of the coin lie the producers, the type of people that make the things that the consumers live off of.


“I was waiting for something extraordinary to happen, but as the years wasted on, nothing ever did unless I caused it.”

Charles Bukowski


In the world we live in, there lies a coin, and on either side of the coin lie two completely different types of people.

On one side, you have the consumers—consumers of media, music, products, services, art, and entertainment—and on the other side of the coin lie the producers, the type of people that make the things that the consumers live off of.

Now, the way it typically goes is that it's the producers that make all of the money in the world we live in, and it's the consumers that make the producers all of the money.

It's always been this way, since the first man grew a piece of corn and sold it to another to the creation of all the products and services we use on a day-to-day basis.

And it has always been the case that the producers make all of the money while the consumers make them the money, now it's just more versatile, and the opportunity to become a producer has never been easier.

The reason this will put you ahead in 2024 is because the majority aren’t willing to get on the other side of the coin.

Being a consumer is comfortable. It means that you get things handed to you on a silver platter with no regard for the outcome of your selfish choices, and for that reason alone, being a producer is uncommon and outlandish but also extremely rewarding.

So… How can you become a producer to get ahead in 2024? Follow these steps, which are explained in more detail in the link below:

  1. Find your specialty.

  2. Focus on quantity over quality

  3. Remember that objects in motion stay in motion

  4. Continuously iterate

  5. If you’re lost, start off with a tweet a day.


If you want to learn more about how to become a producer than check out this free cheat sheet which details how to become one in 2024.

Let us know your thoughts by replying to this email.



Producers will always outperform consumers in every walk of life because producers create their own path while consumers have their path paved out for them with no other option but to follow it.

If you want to become a producer in 2024, follow these steps:

  1. Find your specialty.

  2. Focus on quantity over quality

  3. Remember that objects in motion stay in motion

  4. Continuously iterate

  5. If you’re lost, start off with a tweet a day.

To understand those steps in more detail, check out this free cheat sheet.

From us to you, as a thank you.


Sometimes the greatest way to self-improvement is to decide that you're fine just the way you are.

“How do I balance college, gym, entrepreneurship, work, family time and time for personal growth?”


Balancing multiple important areas of your life comes down to how you manage your time and if you’re managing it effectively or not.

Picture your time as if it’s tokens, and you’re given 24 of them every single day.

8 of them are typically spent on sleep; you have to allocate the non-negotiables like college and work, so let's say you’re left with 6 to allocate where you chose.

Now it's up to you to spend them on what you deem most important, because sometimes balance isn't really an option, especially when you’re in a high-growth stage of your life.

You also don’t have to live a day at a time; break it into a week, and you’ll realise that some days you have more time for the gym and you’re going to prioritise it, but other days you’re going to prioritise entrepreneurship.

It’s rarely about any lack of time you have and more commonly about your perspective on how and where you spend that time.

 - The Kaizen Team

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So we came up with an alternative: The Kaizen Weekly.

One hard-hitting edition a week, every Friday.

We both know you need The Kaizen in your life, and whether thats once a week or once a day, thats up to you.

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