🌳 The Ladder Law

Character growth determines the height of your personal growth. Growing and developing your character gives you outsize leverage over all the other aspects of growth and contribution and everything that you’re working towards. You should pay much more attention to your character than your success.


“Change your environment when you find that you are no longer growing. If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.”


232 WORDS | 1 Min 10 Seconds Read

Your character is the most important thing.

Character growth determines the height of your personal growth. Growing and developing your character gives you outsize leverage over all the other aspects of growth and contribution and everything that you’re working towards. You should pay much more attention to your character than your success.

You can never outgrow your character. It will always place a limit on your growth potential, as long as it lags behind who you could be.

Character is a lot of things: the way you make people feel, the way you treat people who can do nothing for you, whether you live up to your word, and so much more.

Character is built over an entire lifetime, but it is ruined awfully quickly. It’s tough to rebuild a broken character! When you give in to greed, vice, ignorance, corruption, hatred, you dig holes for yourself that are notoriously difficult to dig your way out of. But, if you never pick up the shovel in the first place, that ground will never be broken, and neither will your reputation.

Your character is essentially your reputation and so building up your reputation is crucial because it can carry you places but also be destroyed with one mistake and similar to that of a credit score, it will take time and effort to build up again to a standard that it was before.


Focus on developing your character and keeping it in a good light and it will work wonders for you later on down the line.


Your character & reputation is the most important thing because it deters how other people see you similar to how they would see a book on a cover.


The book of the week is ‘The Laws Of Human Nature by Robert Green’, it’s a similar book to The 48 Laws of Power but focused on decoding the behaviour of the people around you and helps you understand why people do what they do and how you can use both your own psychological flaws and those of others to your advantage. Read it HERE



3 thing that destroy your testosterone levels #testosterone #testosteronebooster #selfimprovement #robmulder

The creator of the week is @Robmulder88, He is a self-improvement creator that shares very simple but sweet advice on anything from relationships to masculinity, habits and more and is one of those creators that you can quite easily binge-watch with ease! Check him out HERE


Money is a necessary pursuit until the point where you can shift your focus to what you enjoy spending time on.

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