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- The Info-Agency Model
The Info-Agency Model
The Kaizen Sundays - There is no shortage of creators around the world getting millions and millions of views; however, there is a massive shortage of creators knowing how to monetize those millions of views and turn their attention into money.
Hey, you’re one of the very few who have access to the Kaizen Sunday edition! You’ll receive an email like this every Sunday covering a business model or a way to make money that you likely haven’t heard of before. You’ll also get a new thing to try for the week ahead as well as some advice from The Kaizen Team
596 Words | 2 Min 30 Sec Read
Attention in the modern day is what makes money.
Attention is what made Kylie Jenner the youngest ever female billionaire.
Attention is what allowed Mr. Beast to build companies worth $500 million+ out of thin air.
Attention is what made The Rock worth over $800 million.
Attention gains eyeballs, and mixed with a little trust and influence, it equals money.
There is no shortage of creators around the world getting millions and millions of views; however, there is a massive shortage of creators knowing how to monetize those millions of views and turn their attention into money.
This isn’t because those views aren’t worth anything, but because those creators aren’t business people; they are creators who have the sole purpose of, you guessed it, creating.
We have already covered a slightly similar model known as ‘growth operating’ where you partner up with a creator and help them create a community in order to capture their audience and better monetize them; however, an info-agency is slightly different.
This is the idea of learning the skill of course building and digital product creation, partnering with a creator, and helping them create a product that best suits their audience—typically an information product.
The reason this works is because, more often than not, creators create content around a specific topic or problem, which is known as their ‘niche’, and when creators build up a following around a niche, it presents the opportunity to solve their audience's problems through a different means of free content.
They don't, however, know how to solve those problems and monetize the solution, which is where you can come in.
The reason this works better than ‘growth operating’ is because it's not just limited to a specific number of creators; for example, you can partner up with a cooking creator and help them create an e-book of recipes that they can sell to their audience.
You could also partner up with a fishing creator and create a course on the fundamentals of fishing.
This works with any person in any industry; you could even partner with a dancing creator and create a cohort where they teach others how to dance—the sky is your limit.
What skills do you need?
You do, however, need a slightly specific skillset.
You will struggle to run this business without the following skills:
The ability to teach.
The ability to teach seems like a nonchalant skill; however, knowing how to break down a topic into digestible chunks is a skill in itself. You won’t be able to create any kind of information product unless you know how to distil the information down to make it easily understood by anyone.
"If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, you don't understand it yourself," said Einstein.
Course creation.
You need to know how to use the platform to create a course, how to develop modules, how to link those modules together, and finally, how to market the course. This is all part of course creation.
This skill isn't that difficult to learn; your best bet is to learn from others who are already doing it. Look at those that have a thriving course or information product and reverse-engineer how exactly they did it.
Here are the steps to follow if you want to get started yourself:
Learn the skills of teaching & course creation
Find a niche of creators to partner with
Learn what problems their audience has that you can solve
Create a solution in the form of a product
Learn value ladder hacking in order to up-sell that product
If you have a problem you’ve recently faced or a question you think needs a clear answer, send us an email at [email protected] and in next week's edition, we will feature it anonymously, giving you the best advice we can!
See you next week!