How To Growth Hack Your Mind...

Your mind is just like a muscle… Just as you exercise your body to get stronger, you can also exercise your mind to strengthen it and unleash its full potential. By adopting this mindset where you treat your mind as a muscle, you can improve your cognitive abilities, enhance your creativity, and achieve personal growth.


“Most people, even though they don't know it, are asleep. They're born asleep, they live asleep, they marry in their sleep, they breed children in their sleep, they die in their sleep without ever waking up. They never understand the loveliness and the beauty of this thing that we call human existence.”

“Anthony de Mello”


412 Words | 1 Min 30 Sec Read

Your mind is just like a muscle…

Just as you exercise your body to get stronger, you can also exercise your mind to strengthen it and unleash its full potential.

By adopting this mindset where you treat your mind as a muscle, you can improve your cognitive abilities, enhance your creativity, and achieve personal growth.

So, how can you do this yourself?

Treat it as a muscle, similar to how in the gym you would do a certain amount of sets of a workout, then rest, then continue to do more reps and take supplements to improve your performance; it’s all the same!

Even the idea of progressive overload is the same as increasing your focus and your mental capabilities. Here’s an example:

Let’s say you do 4 sets of 20 minutes of deep focus with rest in between, and once that’s nailed, you slowly and progressively overload to 4 sets of 30 minutes and continue to follow that flow.

Within no time would have nailed 4 hours of focused work a day!

Before you make a start on this, however, you have to practice the basics of focused work, as there is a very clear difference between hard work and focused work.

Hard work may mean you put a lot of time and energy into something, but it comes with distractions that will stunt your progress over time.

You’re better off doing 1 hour of focused work a day than 4 hours of distracted work.

The ultimately focused mindset

Once you become better and better at focused work, you’ll start to slip into what’s known as the flow state.

This is a state of mind where time flies past, you’re more productive than ever before, and it’s almost like you’re in this other realm of maximum productivity and efficiency.

The flow state is something that’s been studied for decades, and for professionals, it’s the ultimate state of mind to be in to get sh*t done!

In fact we actually made a whole issue dedicated to it which you can read here

People have their own triggers and cues in order to get into this headspace, and you won’t really know what works for you until you try it yourself, so here are a few proven methods to get into this state:

  1. Balance challenge and skill, like Goldilox—not too hard but not too easy.

  2. Establish clear goals; you need to know what you’re working towards.

  3. Reduce distraction.

  4. Stop multitasking.

  5. Don't force it.


Your mind is much more like a muscle than you think, as well as in the sense that you can’t go from 0 hours of focused and disciplined work to 12 hours a day, just like you can’t go from deadlifting 60kg to 150kg just because you force it.

It takes time and consistency to build the reps and strength up, which for you means you need to make a start.


The book of the week is ‘12 Rules For Life’ By Jordan Peterson. in this book Peterson lays out 12 rules that he believes can help people live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Check it out HERE


The creator of the week is @LexFridman, a podcaster who has penetrated the space, interviewing some of the most incredible people on the planet while sharing a ridiculous amount of wisdom. Check him out.


The best way to make a leap toward a better life is to force yourself into a place you don’t belong. You can get scared and run away or grow until you belong.


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