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- You Have To Go 1 Step Back To Go 2 Steps Forward
You Have To Go 1 Step Back To Go 2 Steps Forward
This is a weird one; it sounds very contradictory, although there's an important lesson behind it. The most dangerous place to be in life isn't at rock bottom; it isn't reaping off success; it's slap bang in the middle. The most dangerous position to be in in life is average—not the best, but not uncomfortable enough to want to change.

“Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself, is a slave, whatever he may be: a statesman, a businessman, an official, or a scholar.”

332 Words | 1 Min 13 Sec Read

This is a weird one; it sounds very contradictory, although there's an important lesson behind it.
The most dangerous place to be in life isn't at rock bottom; it isn't reaping off success; it's slap bang in the middle.
The most dangerous position to be in in life is average—not the best, but not uncomfortable enough to want to change.
Change is typically driven by discomfort, being fatter than you want to, being poorer than you want to, or being in an unhappy relationship.
Discomfort is what lights the fire to make a change, and if you're slap bang in the middle 'alright' then you feel no need to make a change, and that's what's dangerous because if that’s the case, you don’t grow, you don’t achieve excellence, chase ambitions, you stay where you are because there’s no knife poking your back, making you walk the plank.
If you want to grow in anything, you have to first see the potential of what could become, run the scenario through your head of meeting your future self, the future self that achieved everything they set out to and became the very best version of themselves, and secondly, put yourself in a position where you're too uncomfortable to stay as you are.
Doing this, you will see improvements like no other.
You may see this in your own life.
You may not feel the need to change physically or financially, as you’re ‘doing okay'; however, you’re well aware that you’re not at your full potential.
You know you could be more and be achieving more, have a better physique, or be making more money, but nothing will push you until you realise what you could become if you just made those changes and changed your standard to what’s comfortable.
You see, once you have your dream physique and you’re making £10,000 a month, you won’t go back from that.
You can’t and you won't, as if you do, you’re underachieving in your own metrics.

Don't go and ruin your life to improve, but make micro-adjustments. If your dad-bod is 'not too bad' make it bad, and watch the fire relight within you. This goes for everything.
You can set your own standard where you are comfortable, and if you set that high enough and keep increasing it, then you’re guaranteed to grow.


“How can I push myself to my limits every day and reach a new level?”
Your answer is by tracking your progress.
Whether it's at the gym, in business, or anything else, if you want to make progress in life, track it.
Track how many pages of the book you read, how many reps you do, how long you spend focused, and the next day, try to beat it—not by a mile, but just about beat it.
Then do the same again tomorrow; thats how you make execptional progress.
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If you weren’t yet aware, at The Kaizen we recently released our community focused education platform thats designed to help you get into the best shape of your life, turn your skills into a business and fortify your mind whilst learning from those at the very top of the game.
It’s split up into three different branches:
Wealth, run by @Itscallumcarver
Health, run by @williamscott
Mindset, run by @codewithlouig
3 courses, 3 coaches, and 3 communities all in one—the only platform that helps you achieve the trifecta of living your best life.
This is a platform built for young, ambitious minds—those people who want to live life to the utmost fullest with enough freedom, flexibility, and control to do so.
Everything that has been put into this will allow you to do just that.

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