Get Rid Of Your Plan B

We are all told the same thing along the lines of, Don’t put all your eggs in one basket; make sure you have options and backup plans on backup plans. INCASE things go wrong! But what if you were told that having all of your eggs in different baskets, having multiple backup plans, and having options A,B,C,D,E,F... was actually a negative thing that was holding you back from achieving your original option A?


“Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.”

Dale Carnegie


398 Words | 1 Min 27 Sec Read

We are all told the same thing along the lines of, Don’t put all your eggs in one basket; make sure you have options and backup plans on backup plans. INCASE things go wrong!

But what if you were told that having all of your eggs in different baskets, having multiple backup plans, and having options A,B,C,D,E,F... was actually a negative thing that was holding you back from achieving your original option A?

Well… It is a negative thing.

You see When a human mind excludes all other possibilities and fixates on a single path, that path draws in every ounce of your passion, perseverance, and power, leaving no room for hesitation or deviation. That chosen path will be followed no matter what.

This is why people typically make sacrifices when they so badly want to achieve something. You’ll hear stories of people who wanted to succeed in an endeavour so much that they ended up selling their house to fund it, and although this is a slightly blind chance, it also eliminates a possible plan B. If you always have your foot still inside the hoop, even when exploring other options, you will stay grounded where you are.

No plan B is a motivator.

Not having a plan B may just become the most incredible motivation force in your life because if you allow yourself to consider an alternative path to the one you’re on and to deviate from the thing you’re striving to achieve, when the bad times come (which they will), that option B will become more and more accessible and desirable just to escape your current situation.

That's the easy way out—the way out that leads to a life of mediocrity.

There are a few more things that having no plan B will help you with:

Loyal to your goals

Not having a plan B allows you to stay loyal to your goals, and as the saying goes, if you stay loyal to your goals, your goals will stay loyal to you.

Keeps focus

Not having a plan B means that there is no distraction, nothing your mind can become captivated by, and nothing that can steer you off your path.


Not having a plan B allows you to stay consistent with your current plan, and consistency over a long enough period of time is practically a guarantee of success in that thing.


If you have a plan B, that's okay. If you would do anything to achieve your plan A, it's probably best to hurry up and get rid of that plan B.


Not having a plan B is an incredible motivator and can help you in countless ways, such as:

  • Stay loyal to your goals.

  • Helps you keep focus

  • Helps you stay consistent.


The book of the week is ‘The Art Of War’ by Sun Tzu. Originally, It has been considered the definitive text on military strategy and warfare ever since it was written in ancient China, but as the centuries have gone by, it has been used for so much more, including strategy for life. Read it HERE


The creator of the week is @Jun_yuh, a creator that makes content about self-improvement, studying, productivity, motivation, and relateability. His videos are simple, easy to consume, but extremely bingeable, so do be careful. Check him out above!


You’re never going to be perfect—there is no such thing. You’re human. So instead, aim for progress, even the smallest amount.

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