How To Get More Done In Less Time

You don’t lack time; you lack the skills to manage your time, and when you realise this, you can squeeze so much more efficiency out of the time that you have. In order to squeeze out more efficiency, you need to learn the art of focus.


"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves."

Thomas Edison


402 Words | 1 Min 28 Sec Read

You don’t lack time; you lack the skills to manage your time, and when you realise this, you can squeeze so much more efficiency out of the time that you have. In order to squeeze out more efficiency, you need to learn the art of focus.

Focus is such an important skill to learn simply because you can get more done with 2 hours of focused work than you will in 2 straight days of unfocused work.

In order to concentrate on one thing, you must, by default, ignore many other things.

Here’s a better way to put it:

Focus can only occur when we have said yes to one option and no to all other options. In other words, elimination is a prerequisite for focus. As Tim Ferriss says, “What you don’t do determines what you can do.”

Of course, focus doesn’t require a permanent no, but it does require a present no. You always have the option to do something else later, but in the present moment, focus requires that you only do one thing. Focus is the key to productivity because saying no to every other option unlocks your ability to accomplish the one thing that is left.

Methods of how to focus:

The ‘no other choice method’

If you’re someone who struggles to focus, it's most likely because you’re not being strict enough with yourself. There are distractions everywhere you look; therefore, you have to be conscious and continue to make efforts to get rid of those distractions. This can be along the lines of locking your phone away in a different room. Adding Google Chrome extensions to your computer so you can’t access anything but what you’re supposed to or setting yourself strict deadlines for when you can and can’t use your phone

If you don’t give yourself any other choice, then you will find a way around it.


Your environment is everything. To really understand the importance of it, take a look at this previous edition we put out HERE. But in short, your environment has cues in it, so if you are working where you relax or vice versa, you will struggle to focus as your brain is not in the right environment for it.

In order to take advantage of it, have separate environments for separate activities and keep them exclusive so that when you’re in the right environment, your brain is too.


Practice the art of focus; there are countless different YouTube videos on how you can get started and creators that make content teaching how to perfect it.


2 methods of how to focus:

The ‘no other choice method’

Changing your environment


The book of the week is ‘The Art Of War’ by Sun Tzu. Originally, it has been considered the definitive text on military strategy and warfare ever since it was written in ancient China, but as the centuries have gone by, it has been used for so much more, including strategy for life. Read it HERE


The creator of the week is @Jun_yuh, a creator who makes content about self-improvement, studying, productivity, motivation, and relatability. His videos are simple, easy to consume, but extremely bingeable, so do be careful. Check him out above!


In the end, the money and success that truly last come not to those who focus on such things as goals, but rather to those who focus on mastery and fulfilling their life’s task.

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