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- The Elephant And The Rope Story
The Elephant And The Rope Story
A young man was walking through an elephant camp, and he stopped for a few minutes to look at the elephants. The man was surprised that the elephants weren't tied to any tree, with any chain, or in any cage.
“The heaviest pealty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself.”
410 Words | 1 Min 29 Sec Read
A young man was walking through an elephant camp, and he stopped for a few minutes to look at the elephants. The man was surprised that the elephants weren't tied to any tree, with any chain, or in any cage.
Nothing but one single small rope was all that was keeping all the elephants from escaping from the camp, and that rope was attached to just one of their legs.
After watching for some time, the young man was in a complete dilemma as to how it was possible that they didn’t go anywhere by simply breaking the rope, as they were more than strong enough to do so.
Were they well trained? Punished if they escaped or what?
The young man wanted to know the answer, so he went to the corner of the field where the elephant trainer was working, and the young man asked the trainer why the elephants don’t just escape.
The trainer replied: When the elephants were young, the rope was strong enough to keep them in place, so regardless of how many attempts they made to break out, they had no luck.
Although they are now old and strong enough, they still believe that they aren’t. They still believe that the rope is just too strong and, therefore, don’t bother trying to escape.
The elephants believed from a young age that they couldn’t break the rope, so they adopted that belief throughout the rest of their lives and will die believing the same thing.
The truth is that the elephants are living in a system of their old beliefs, similar to how when you put flies in a jar and put a lid on, even when taking the lid off, the flies still won’t escape because they believe that they are trapped in it.
In order to break out of the rope, the elephants first have to realise that they can.
The moral of the story is that the elephants are living in a system of someone else’s beliefs, and the same applies to you.
If you have been told and reinforced from a young age that you’re unable to achieve your wildest dreams or that you’re not good enough to, you will believe that throughout the rest of your life unless you prove yourself otherwise.
If you want to achieve everything that you truly want, you first need to break out of the rope; only then are the outcomes endless.
“How do you know when enough is enough? Like whats enough money, a good enough body, a good enough life?”
Your ‘enough’ is going to be different from everyone else's, which means the most important thing is to not measure your success by someone else's standards.
Create goals for yourself that make sense to you; for example, don’t aim for'more money'; aim for financial freedom; and spend the time to work out what financial freedom means to you.
How much money do you need to have? What would you spend that money on? The more specific you can be, the more content you will be when you reach that goal.
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