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  • How To Effectively Set Goals For 2024

How To Effectively Set Goals For 2024

Around now is the time when people start to set goals for the new year. They scramble together to get a piece of paper and jot down what they feel like they want to achieve in the new year based on what they’ve been told they should be working towards.


“It is not the skills we actually have that determine how we feel but the ones we think we have.”

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


468 Words | 1 Min 42 Sec Read

Around now is the time when people start to set goals for the new year.

They scramble together to get a piece of paper and jot down what they feel like they want to achieve in the new year based on what they’ve been told they should be working towards.

“I want to get a six-pack in the gym.”

“I want to cut out chocolate.”

“I want to get a raise by x amount or make x amount of money.”

These probably sound familiar because these are the goals that people think they should work towards. Hell, you may have done the same thing.

But not only do most people not know how to set goals for the new year, they also have no idea what goals to set, so we are going to help you flip that on its head.

How do you effectively set goals for 2024?

The first step to setting goals that you’re much more likely to achieve is to not set goals for 2024 in the first place.

Instead of setting goals for the whole of 2024, you want to split it up into quarters (every 3 months).

This is because of something known as Parkinsons law, which is the principle that ‘a task will fill the time allocated for its completion’.

This basically means that when you set yourself a goal to be completed in 2024, you will take up the whole of 2024 trying to complete that task.

If you only set goals for the first 3 months of the year, you may not complete them, but you can be sure that you’ll be much further ahead than otherwise.

Not only that, but the chances that your goals don’t change throughout the year are pretty rare; therefore, setting goals every 3 months gives you space to adapt.

The Goal-How-Now Framework.

The next step is to not just grab a piece of paper and write it down.





No Instead, you need to create a roadmap for yourself to work towards that goal, and to do this, you can use what's known as the ‘Goal-How-Now’ framework, which is as simple as it sounds.

What are your goals? How are you going to get there? What can you start doing right this second to help you progress?

This means you don’t just write out goals; you also write out an actionable next step for yourself to achieve them.

Put it up!

The final step to creating the most effective goals possible is to put them up where you can see them every single day.

Your goals need to be a reminder of why you’re doing what you are, so when you have no motivation to go to the gym, you can look at them and remember why you started in the first place.


If you want to set effective goals that you’re more likely to achieve in 2024, then follow this 3-step checklist.

  1. Only set goals every 3 months; this gives you time to reflect and takes Parker's law into account to help you get sh*t done!

  2. Use the goal-how-Now framework to turn your goals into actionable next steps instead of dreams on a piece of paper.

  3. Put the goals up where you can see them every day to remind yourself of what it is that you’re working towards.


The book of the week is ‘12 Rules For Life’ By Jordan Peterson. in this book Peterson lays out 12 rules that he believes can help people live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Check it out HERE


The creator of the week is @LexFridman, a podcaster who has penetrated the space, interviewing some of the most incredible people on the planet while sharing a ridiculous amount of wisdom. Check him out.


You can become top 10% in the skills that allow you to control your future with 6-12 months of obsessive learning and building on the internet.


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