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  • 🌳 How To Develop Celebrity-Like Confidence

🌳 How To Develop Celebrity-Like Confidence

Many celebrities and athletes use this weird trick to help them have this seemingly impenetrable confidence when on the court or on stage and it’s super impressive how someone can stand up in front of millions of people at a Super Bowl halftime show and not feel some kind of self-consciousness or lack faith in themselves. It’s almost like they have a wall around them that protects them from any inside thought that may alter their performance and well, they do.


“More is lost by indecision than wrong decision.”

- Marcus Cicero

In simple terms, if you’re worried about making the wrong choice understand that you will lose more from making no choice at all.


The trick.

Many celebrities and athletes use this weird trick to help them have this seemingly impenetrable confidence when on the court or on stage and it’s super impressive how someone can stand up in front of millions of people at a Super Bowl halftime show and not feel some kind of self-consciousness or lack faith in themselves. It’s almost like they have a wall around them that protects them from any inside thought that may alter their performance and well, they do.

They use this technique of developing an alter-ago. An alter-ago that can take the stress and worry off their shoulders as if they are almost becoming someone else for a duration of time. It’s not that their insecurities disappear, it’s that the person they are pretending to be doesn’t have those insecurities to worry about. You can see this in so many cases such as:

  • Eminem AKA Slim Shady

  • Beyonce AKA Sasha Fierce

  • Kobe Bryant AKA Black Mamba

These people use these alternative characters of themselves that have superpower-like abilities that can take all of the outside sh*t and harness it into useful and effective energy.

So the question is, how can you develop your own?

Develop your own alter ago, a version of you that’s limitless. Make your weaknesses their strengths, your insecurities their confidence. Give them a name and hold them in your highest regard and whenever you feel like you need to use this alter-ego, you can.

It won’t come instantaneously, It will take some time for the alter-ego to prove they are who you think they are and reinforce those beliefs but once they have, they will be your secret weapon.

Don’t abuse your alter-ego, make sure that you’re not using them for everything and anything but use them when it feels right too. If you struggle socially, use them then until you can build up your own inner confidence which brings us to the fact that you have to let them go when the time is right.

The goal of having an alter-ego is not to get rid of yourself in any way but to help you build your confidence in the process and understand that your alter-ego is really just you. Nothing more, nothing less.

Confidence is all from within.

You don’t have to be wearing your favourite pair of shoes or have a new haircut to feel confident. People think confidence is external from having muscles or being tall however it's untrue. Why when you ace that test or you spoke to that girl or had a genuinely good day do you feel more confident all of a sudden? Nothing external has actually changed to make people view you a different way yet you will walk around like you’re the main character.

It’s because it's all internal. Confidence is all about the level of respect you hold yourself to and knowing your true worth.

Understand that and you’ll realise that you can fake it till you make it.


Create your own alter-ego for those situations where you don’t feel like you’re yet there.


Confidence is all internal, even the principle above is just an exercise to get you to realise that.


The Book of the week is The Unfair Advantage by Hasan Kubba & Ash Ali, a book about how to discover your advantage in life, the thing that puts you above everyone else. It goes on to say that everyone has an unfair advantage, the difficult bit is figuring out what yours is and how to utilise it! Read it HERE


The creator of the week is @Alexsedlak, a US-based creator that makes content for the modern man and woman. He talks about spirituality, wealth building, and personal development and tackles common problems in today’s society. He’s a creator that will open your eyes to things that would typically go over your head. Check him out HERE


You can always fake it till you make it

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