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- The Creator Operator Business
The Creator Operator Business
The Kaizen Sundays - There have never been more creators on social media than today. In fact, the number of influencers across all platforms has risen from 7 million in 2018 to 50+ million as of 2022, and with this surge in creators, it creates a huge opportunity for your average Joe.
Hey, you’re one of the very few that have access to the Kaizen Sunday edition! You’ll receive an email like this every Sunday covering a business model or a way to make money that you likely haven’t heard of before. You’ll also get a new thing to try for the week ahead as well as some advice from The Kaizen Team
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There have never been more creators on social media than today. In fact, the number of influencers across all platforms has risen from 7 million in 2018 to 50+ million as of 2022, and with this surge in creators, it creates a huge opportunity for your average Joe.
This opportunity is known as ‘The Creator Operator’.
Influencers have a superpower that many traditional businesses lack, and this superpower is being able to garner attention. They know how to create a pattern of interruption in the human mind and cultivate an audience of trusted viewers.
And this superpower is extremely valuable because attention is money. The more attention someone can get, naturally, the more money comes their way; however, many influencers aren’t aware of this.
They aren’t aware that the words they speak have influence on people in many different ways, and that's why the majority of influencers out there, regardless of their audience size, are broke.
And thats where the opportunity arises—for someone to come in and help these influencers monetize their audience using something that resonates with their brand.
We covered a few Sundays ago the business of being a creator and how icons such as Mr. Beast, The Rock, and more have built businesses using their brands alone.
And that's what these other creators are lacking: the knowledge, understanding, and application to do this themselves, which is why they need you, The Creator Operator.
The Creator Operator is simple in essence: you need to find influencers that have a captivating following but have nothing to offer their following and help them to create a product and monetize the daily traffic that they get.
You can do this via any vehicle that you want, which could be a paid community, merchandise, events, or whatever else suits the creator the best.
For example, with a fitness creator, you would lean towards something like 1-on-1 mentorship or a workout plan.
However, with a lifestyle creator who drinks a lot of coffee, you may lean towards a custom coffee blend, a coffee-making kit, etc.
So to break it down, the creator does the creating, you focus on the money-making, and then you split the profits somewhere around there.
This allows them to make money that they wouldn’t have made before without having to put much effort in (apart from showcasing the product or service itself), which is a win-win situation for them, and you get to capitalise on the leverage of their audience.
The skills you need can vary depending on what it is that you’re selling, but some good basic ones to have are skills such as:
Project management
And from there, you can stack relevant skills, depending on the creator themselves.
So, how do you get started?
First, you need to find your ideal creator. Someone within a niche that you somewhat understand (there's not much point trying to work in the beauty niche if you have never picked up a makeup brush in your life).
You need to create an offer for this person on how exactly you’re going to help them and what exactly is in it for them.
From there, you can reach out to these people and give them your no-brainer offer. Once they say yes, and after you meet them, that's when you start to understand their audience more and what it is you feel they would grab straight on to.
Then it's all about creating the product or service with your influencer, and they do the marketing—that's it!
Obviously, there is a lot more to it, but that's the gist.
If you have a problem you’ve recently faced or a question you think needs a clear answer, send us an email at [email protected] and in next week's edition, we will feature it anonymously, giving you the best advice we can!
See you next week!