How to Conquer Laziness

The reason you’re lazy is simply because there's no need for you not to be. It’s easy to be lazy when you don’t actually have any sort of emotional connection to what it is that you’re doing.


“Twenty years from now you’ll be more disappointed by the things you did not do than the ones you did.”

Mark Twain


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The reason you’re lazy is simply because there's no need for you not to be. It’s easy to be lazy when you don’t actually have any sort of emotional connection to what it is that you’re doing.

Being lazy is a default, and unless you consciously try to change that, it will stay that way.

Let's imagine that one of your goals was to learn Spanish, but you never had the energy, motivation, or need to start the process.

But if you suddenly were put in Spain and needed to communicate with the locals in Spanish to survive, a sense of urgency and necessity to learn the language would suddenly be apparent.

Laziness dissipates as you realise the importance of your goals for your own well-being.

The emotional connection to the goal overrides any inclination towards procrastination, pushing you to actively engage in the path to make your goals attainable.

How can you eliminate laziness?

Connect Emotionally

Establish a deep emotional connection with your goals. It's all about creating a sense of urgency, a do-or-die situation where the consequences of inaction are crystal clear.

When you feel the pressure, when there's a necessity, you'll find the energy to move mountains.

Start before you're ready.

Don't let the illusion of readiness stop your progress. When it comes to making decisions, a lot of the time, what afflicts people is this idea of not being ready.

‘Preparing yourself’ is just another way of saying that you’re not yet willing to take action, therefore being lazy.

Ask yourself ‘whats my other option?’

Being lazy is typically a result of feeling like being lazy is an option however, when you give yourself no other option than to get the work done that you promised yourself you would - It’s far easier to concur it.

Sometimes, you need to eliminate any other options you have.


Reflect: Identify a goal lacking emotional connection. How can you infuse it with urgency and meaning?

Decide: Think of a long-delayed decision. What if you made it right now before feeling ‘completely ready?’ Are you being lazy and shadowing it with ‘waiting for the perfect time’?

Find a way to give meaning to what it is that you’re trying to do and you’ll come to realise that laziness is no longer an option.


“How can I find my passion? How do I know that that’s my passion?”

- Anonymous

The only way to find your passion is through experimentation.

There is a common conception that you have to find your passion early on and also that your passion can’t change; however, you could discover your passion at 65 and it could change every year until you’re 85—there's no right or wrong.

You’ll know you’ve found your passion when you find the thing that you naturally want to do more than anything else—the thing you become excited about waking up in the morning to do.

When you find it, you’ll know it.

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