You Can Tell The Future!?

The difference between wanting to achieve something and achieving something is the process of taking action, the process of doing. There is a wonderful quote from Chris Williamson that puts this in perspective and goes as follows:


“The magic that you’re looking for is in the work that you’re not doing”


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The difference between wanting to achieve something and achieving something is the process of taking action, the process of doing. There is a wonderful quote from Chris Williamson that puts this in perspective and goes as follows:

“Preparing to do the thing isn't doing the thing.

Scheduling time to do the thing isn't doing the thing.

Making a to-do list for the thing isn't doing the thing.

Telling people you're going to do the thing isn't doing the thing.

Messaging friends who may or may not be doing the thing isn't doing the thing.

Hating on yourself for not doing the thing isn't doing the thing.

The only thing that is doing the thing is doing the thing.”

Go do the thing.

Although it seems so incredibly simple, there's still a reason why people won’t take action, and 9/10 times that reason is because they can’t tell the future; they don’t know what the outcome of taking that action is going to be, and in most cases, they are worried that doing the thing is going to have a net negative impact on their lives.

So, how can you combat this? Time travel? We wish, but no, your best bet is to go through a thought process known as negative manifestation to prepare for any outcome, and here's how it works.

If you’re worried about taking action on something, skip forward to the future and imagine what would happen if the situation didn’t work out as you planned it, and ask yourself, Why did this idea fail?

Put yourself 3 months into the future and imagine that the thing didn’t work. What would be the top 3 reasons that it didn’t work?

After spending some real time and putting some thought into this question, you’ll start to create a list for yourself. You’ll know what those top 3 reasons are and what you can do right now to mitigate the risk.

Most of the time, it's the unknown that scares us, so if you can do your best to be as knowledgeable about the choice as possible, you’ll feel much better about making the right decision.


Negative manifestation is essentially a pessimistic way to plan for the future while ensuring that you’re prepared for any outcome, so try it yourself.


If theres something thats holding you back from doing the thing, chances are it's the fear of the unknown. Without time travel, you only have one option: prepare for the unknown through a process called negative manifestation.


The book of the week is ‘The Lean Startup’ by Eric Ries, and in the spirit of entrepreneurship, this book fits right in. The author teaches you from first-hand experience how to create a business in the most efficient way possible in modern times, speaking directly from experience. Check it out!



It's incredibly sad, but you CAN make a change. #fyp #foryou #motivation #educationsystem #theyouth #youngpeople #schoolsystem #educations... See more

The creator of the week is @inthewvlogs. He makes inspirational and educational content in a very straightforward and real format, covering various topics from the education system to mental health that some would see as slightly controversial but necessary to hear. Check him out.


Doing nothing with your life is much more painful than doing something with your life. It just takes longer for that pain to kick in.

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