How To Become Irreplaceable

If you never want to work 9-5 for the rest of your life, there's only one way you’re going to be able to do so, and that is by becoming irreplaceable.


“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”

Lao Tzu


512 Words | 1 Min 52 Sec Read

If you never want to work 9-5 for the rest of your life, there's only one way you’re going to be able to do so, and that is by becoming irreplaceable.

It’s by becoming such a valuable person that, no matter what happens, you will always be wanted and needed by others.

Because when you become irreplaceable, it means you can’t be replaced at the snap of a finger. Therefore, if you want to make more money and live a better life, you need to become more in demand.

So, how do you become irreplaceable?

Firstly, you need to figure out what people want.

If you want to be in demand for others, you need to first know what others want, and when you start to do this, you can identify the problems they have or the gaps that aren’t being filled, and therefore solve those problems and fill those gaps.

Develop the right skillset.

The path to becoming irreplaceable all starts with the skillset that you have.

This is why a janitor can work harder than a lawyer but make less money because the lawyer has a skillset that is harder to obtain and therefore harder to replace.

Once you understand what is in demand, you can build a skillset that makes you the solution, so look at skillsets to develop that are in demand and scarce within an industry that you’re interested in.

The best way to figure out what's in demand is just by looking at where the money flows. What kind of people are racking it in, and what kind of jobs or skills do they have that allow them to do that?

This doesn’t mean you have to study to become a lawyer, because the skills you can develop online with a few months of self-education are unprecedented.

Use leverage to your advantage.

Next, you want to focus on using leverage to your advantage, or, in other words, using things that already exist to further your own cause.


And the final step to becoming irreplaceable is experience.

Unfortunately, there is no cheat code for this section.

The formula is simply that the longer you do something, the more experience you have and the better you become at it; therefore, the more irreplaceable you are overall.

So don’t expect to become irreplaceable right away. It takes time, reputation, and trust-building to get to a considerable level.


So, where do you go from here?

Your best bet is to look to reverse engineer the success that people have had to figure out what skillset they started with.

For example, Iman Gadzi, a modern-day multimillionaire, documented his entire journey on his YouTube channel, which means all you have to do is use the resources that are there and dig deep to figure out how he got to the place he is today.

And by doing that, you can see how he got started and how he became irreplaceable in the first place.


The steps to becoming irreplaceable:

  • Figure out what is in demand.

  • Start developing the skills that make you a higher-value person and therefore more in demand with others.

  • Use leverage where you can to further your own cause.

  • Gain experience.


The book of the week is ‘Never Split the Difference’ by Chris Voss, the ultimate book on negotiation and how to get what you want, when you want it. Check it out here!


The creator of the week is @MattD’Avella, a long-time YouTube creator who has created some of the best self-improvement content on the planet - check him out.


Wanting things fast doesn’t make them happen faster, it means you only go after smaller goals.


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