🌳 A Bad Day Is Coming

A bad day is on its way, something you definitely don’t want to hear but something true nonetheless. A day is coming when things won’t go your way, things will break, your loved ones will die and unfortunately, that’s guaranteed but lucky for you, you have two ways to look at this unstoppable fate.


"Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Joshua J. Marine


Being grateful for the everyday

A bad day is on its way, something you definitely don’t want to hear but something true nonetheless. A day is coming when things won’t go your way, things will break, your loved ones will die and unfortunately, that’s guaranteed but lucky for you, you have two ways to look at this unstoppable fate. You either live in fear of when that day may come or you make every day special and make every day mean something.

Many people tend to live in fear of the first, they live with the knowledge that something will go wrong and therefore live in a state of defence or worse off live in denial that it will ever come true. Living in denial is arguably worse because it means that you’re not accepting reality and therefore not cherishing the days that you have. You have to appreciate more, enjoy the small things, the rainy days, the sound of nothing, the food you eat.

And I know how this sounds, it sounds like it’s spoken by an old wise man but in this day especially everything moves so quickly and as time goes on that’s only going to increase leaving you less and less time for reflection and less time to appreciate the small things that you take for granted with the little time you have on this planet.

But that’s what makes life special, its unique because it is short, if you were immortal you would live terribly because there is no end, there is nothing to cherish but because you know death is coming and you know your time is limited you’re able to appreciate it. It’s the sadness that makes happiness mean something, the rain that makes sunny days special.

Life works like a graph

Life tends to work like a graph, with countless ups and downs but if you zoom out you’ll find it slowly increases. You will rarely have consistent uninterrupted days of pure joy because for some reason life won’t let you therefore knowing this, cherish the good ones and be grateful for them.

It may sound cheesy but

A positive outlook on life really can change your reality. People tend to wait for positivity to smack them in the face but don’t go searching for it. Anything positive doesn't come naturally. It all sprouts from how you perceive events so if you can change your perception mechanics you can start to see things in a brighter light.

A lot of ‘worry’ tends to come from external situations happening that are not in your control but if that’s the case what is worrying going to achieve? You can start to rot inside due to too much stress and worry and all it takes is a different perspective. Find that perspective


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Next time you’re sad remember that it’s a good thing, it means that you know what happiness feels like, and it’s what makes sadness special.


The book of the week is ‘7 Habits of highly effective people’ by Stephen R. Covey. A fantastic read that goes into so much more depth than you would think that explores the principles of effective self-leadership, influence, collaboration, and improvement. You can read it HERE


The creator of the week is @Joshterryplays, an extremely well-spoken creator who makes simple but intriguing content all focused on making your life better. His videos are straightforward, easy to understand and consume and he’s someone that you want on your timeline. Check him out HERE


Remember that happiness is expectations - reality.

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