How To Attain Mastery

It’s no shock that the world of AI is improving and developing faster than we can prepare for it. From being able to answer basic questions to replicating a Picasso art piece stroke for stroke with a unique twist on it in a matter of seconds. It won’t be long until AI is powerful enough to replace all truck drivers, all language translators, all coders, and thousands of other careers that don’t require human creativity to do so.


“Never waste valuable time, or mental peace of mind, on the affairs of others—that is too high a price to pay.”

Robert Greene


450 Words | 1 Min 30 Sec Read

It’s no shock that the world of AI is improving and developing faster than we can prepare for it.

From being able to answer basic questions to replicating a Picasso art piece stroke for stroke with a unique twist on it in a matter of seconds.

It won’t be long until AI is powerful enough to replace all truck drivers, all language translators, all coders, and thousands of other careers that don’t require human creativity.

So, how can we avoid being outsourced or automated?

Attain Mastery.

In Robert Greene’s book 'Mastery', he studied four incredibly intelligent masters, from Einstien to Da Vinci, to uncover what makes them so special, and these are the four principles he uncovered:

  1. Primal Curiosity

When Einstein was 5, his father handed him a compass, and Einstein was completely mesmerised by the invisible forces that moved the needles, It made him wonder what other invisible forces moved the world.

This childhood experience helped Einstein tap into his primary curiosity, which fuelled his mastery for decades to follow which is a trait thats apparent in all masters.

  1. Value learning above all else.

Sometimes the best opportunity to learn means taking lower pay, getting zero recognition, or doing long hours or tedious work. If you look at a master and go back to their early days, you will find that they had to sacrifice their comfort in order to learn.

Just like comedians have to do free shows, get heckled at, and sleep on their friends couches in order to get started.

Always prioritise learning above everything else, especially when getting started.

  1. Combine skills in a unique way.

Masters don’t have generic skill sets, at least not ones that you can pick up with a few years of studying. The best of the best combine seemingly different skills and experiences in a unique way that makes them stand out as one-of-a-kind.

Don’t just accept one basic skill; be willing to adapt and stack other skills on top of them in order to stand out.


To get started tapping into your primal curiosity, go back to your early days to figure out what really peaked your interest. Journaling helps you uncover this, so start with 20 minutes a day.

To get started with prioritising value learning above all else, don’t look for the option that has the best perks in the avenue that you want to pursue; look for the option that has the best teacher.

To get started with combining your skills in a unique way to stand out, utilise all of your interests, not just the ones that you’ve been told you should.


 If you want to attain mastery, focus on these 3 principles that Robert Greene outlines as the most important:

  • Tapping into your primal curiosity

  • Prioritise value learning above all else.

  • Combine skills in a unique way to stand out.

Do all three of these things, and you can be sure to put yourself on a one-way trip to mastery.


Exhaustion is the reward, not the cost, of a hard days work.

“What should I do if I am overwhelmed with information”

- Anonymous 

Narrow down where you get your sources from.

There is an abundance of information in the modern day, with each idea pulling you in a different direction from what you should believe in to what you should do with your life, and the best way to avoid being pulled is to limit your sources.

Pick sources that you fundamentally trust and ignore the rest of the noise.

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