The Advantage Of Feeling Lost

Everyone feels lost at some point in their life. Everyone has that feeling of unimportance and that crippling lack of direction that just makes you feel pointless all together. But all it takes is understanding that you have to be lost in order to be found, because who looks for something that isn’t lost?


“Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

Francis of Assisi


457 | 1 Min 30 Sec Read

Everyone feels lost at some point in their life.

Everyone has that feeling of unimportance and that crippling lack of direction that just makes you feel pointless all together.

But all it takes is understanding that you have to be lost in order to be found, because who looks for something that isn’t lost?

When you understand that being lost is actually the gateway to finding yourself, you come to accept it as part of the journey and stop looking at it in a negative and hopeless light.

Similar to how failure is the gateway to success, being lost is the gateway to being found.

How do you make a start?

Finding your advantage

The best way to make a start at finding yourself is to first change your mindset around it.

Instead of feeling like you’re shackled to the floor, realise that you actually have ample opportunity in front of you; you get to take your life in whatever direction it is that you please; that's your advantage.

I bet you, the 40-year-old guy who lives a life that he dislikes, would do anything to ‘feel lost’ again with unlimited opportunity in front of him.

The benefit of feeling like you lack direction is that you get to play the mad scientist. You get to try, fail, try, fail, try, fail, until you find who you are and what it is that you want.

So don’t take it for granted because it's rare that you will be able to have the luxury of being able to take your life in whatever direction you want to again.

So, where do you go from here?

F**k around and find out is the best answer.

No, seriously, go do something. Create the best plan that you can think of and execute it.

The plan is not going to be perfect, and it will most definitely change along the way as you evolve and create better plans.

But the trick is to do something because being lost and doing nothing about it is a one-way door to staying lost; the opposite, however, is a one-way door to truly finding yourself.

Or, in other words, doing nothing guarantees that you’ll stay lost; doing something means that there could just be a chance that you’ll find what you’re looking for.


If you’re in that stage of your life where you feel lost and hopeless, take these few steps to help you find yourself.

  • First, understand that in order to be found, you have to first be lost. No one is spawned into this world with a definitive purpose and a manual of how to execute it, and those that seem like they do are faking it anyway.

  • Secondly, be grateful for the opportunity to mould yourself into whatever person you want to become.

  • Thirdly, start doing sh*t and figure the rest out along the way.


The book of the week is ‘Never Split the Difference’ by Chris Voss, the ultimate book on negotiation and how to get what you want, when you want it. Check it out here!


The creator of the week is @MattD’Avella, a long time youtube creator who has created some of the best self improvement content on the planet - check him out.


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