How To ACTUALLY Set Goals

In the book, he shares the goal-setting system that he learned at Intel and taught to Google way back when it was a 30-person company to now having over 80k employees that all use it.


“Greed isn’t what drives the world, instead it’s envy. Our lives are objectively the best humanity has ever had yet complaining & dissatisfaction is as high as ever.”

Charlie Munger


447 Words | 1 Min 38 Sec Read

Doerr believes that if you’re striving for high performance, “goals are very necessary things”.

In the book, he shares the goal-setting system that he learned at Intel and taught to Google way back when it was a 30-person company to now having over 80k employees that all use it.

He named it the O.K.R. system. Here's how it works:

Firstly you need an audacious objective

“If you set your goals ridiculously high and it’s a failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success." James Cameron

Start by being idealistic, not realistic.

Ask yourself questions like, ‘If I were freed from constraints, what change would I make?’ or ‘If I could be the best at one thing, what would that be?’ or a more popular one: ‘How big would I dream if I knew I couldn’t fail?’

When you come up with your ideal objective, scale it back until it's one step forward from being impossible.

Quality and quantity are key results.

Your key results are the 3-5 things that you know you can improve that would indicate that you’re getting closer to your objective.

Breaking down specific and measurable results that will push you further towards your goals—what is the variable that you need to play around with in order to get to your destination?

For example, in the gym, it may be the food you eat, the reps you do, and the nutrition that you get; all you need to do is play around with these factors until you get what you want.

Colour-coding check-ins.

Check in with yourself on a monthly basis using the traffic light method to gauge where you are and what needs to be changed.

For example, after setting targets:

  • If you are in the green (70–100% on target), continue doing what you’re doing.

  • If you are in the yellow (30–70% on target), create a recovery plan.

  • If you are in the red (0–30% on target), create a recovery plan or change your metrics of success.

Using this method on a continuous basis will help you strategically and consistently improve based on your current performance.


1) Set high idealistic goals that seem slightly daunting but are attainable because if you shoot for the stars, chances are that you’ll at least land on the moon.

2) Figure out what the individual variables are that are the button pushers in what you’re trying to achieve, so instead of blindly trying to grow, you know you only have to do a matter of a few things.

3) Use the colour-coding check-in system to gauge where you are progressing and identify whether you need to change plans or keep doing what you’re doing.


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