3 Ways To Work Smarter

Smart work is the principle of not working 16-hour days, day in and day out, but instead working much fewer hours and delivering a better overall, more productive outcome. This leads to lower chances of burnout, less stress, higher productivity, and overall a better quality of life.


“Poor people stay poor because they’re afraid of other poor people judging them for trying to get rich.”

Henry Weston


394 Words | 1 Min 26 Sec Read

The days of hardcore, relentless grinding work being the only one-way ticket to success have passed, welcome to working smart.

Smart work is the principle of not working 16-hour days, day in and day out, but instead working much fewer hours and delivering a better overall, more productive outcome.

This leads to lower chances of burnout, less stress, higher productivity, and overall a better quality of life.

Here are a few ways that you can incorporate smart work into your life.

Parkinsons Law

Parkinson's Law is the principle that work will expand to fill the time available.

Or in simple terms, a task will take as long as you give it.

If you have 2 weeks to complete a task, it will take you 2 weeks to get it done; if you give yourself 5 days for the same task, you'll manage to finish it in 5 days.

The reason being that inadequate deadlines often cause procrastination and spending too much time on trivial matters, you either won’t start the work until the last minute because you feel as if you have an abundance of time or you will put in little effort during it.

This graph explains it pretty well…

100% work or 100% rest

Your creative output is like a battery.

You have about 3–4 hours you can dedicate to pure focus before its actually smarter to take a break then to try and ignore it.

Most people are always operating at half capacity, they don't go full force on quality work because they don't take the time to recover from psychological fatigue.

It’s almost like the more you work, the lower your quality of work becomes and therefore you have to identify the sweet spot where you have maximised both your time and quality.


In order to work smart, you have to use leverage where possible, because if you don't, someone else is and they are making 10x more progress than you.

You don’t want to be the jack of all trades, master of none.

Leverage is everywhere you look; if you’re unsure of how to use it to your advantage, check out the edition we did on how to use leverage HERE.

Leverage can be as simple as identifying what you aren’t that good at and hiring someone thats better than you and gets the job done more efficiently.


3 Ways to utilise smart work…

Parkinsons law:

Work will expand to fill the time available. Or in simple terms, a task will take as long as you give it.

100% Work or 100% Rest:

Your creative output is like a battery.

You have about 3–4 hours you can dedicate to pure focus before its actually smarter to take a break then to try and ignore it.


In order to work smart, you have to use leverage where possible, because if you don't, someone else is and they are making 10x more progress than you.


The book of the week is ‘Peak’ by Anders Ericsson, a book about the science behind how to hit peak performance and become the best you can possibly be using various methods and principles. Read it HERE


The creator of the week is @Dalati, a self improvement based creator on the mission to help you become the best version of yourself and unlock your potential. Check him out!


How to clear your mind:

Walk more. Read more. Write more. Listen more. Lift more. Strategize more. Build more.

Scroll less. Indulge less. Criticize less. Ruminate less. Sit less. Procrastinate less.

Clarity is reserved for those who don't resist reality, but engage with it.

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