3 Ways To 10x Your Confidence

Where does confidence come from? In order to increase your day-to-day confidence, you first need to understand why it is important that you have it and where it actually comes from. Confidence is all a perception; it all starts off within your own head and has a knock-on effect on your external life.


“Show me who you follow and i’ll show you where your life ends up”

Dan Koe


509 Words | 1 Min 51 Sec Read

Where does confidence come from?

In order to increase your day-to-day confidence, you first need to understand why it is important that you have it and where it actually comes from.

Confidence is all a perception; it all starts off within your own head and has a knock-on effect on your external life.

For example, it starts off with you hating your haircut; although no one may notice, you may be walking around, giving everyone quick glances to make sure no one is looking at you.

At the same time, you may have your shoulders shrugged and be walking fast-paced with your head pointing towards the ground.

People will start to notice your body language and see that you look uncomfortable and paranoid in your own body, and only then will they portray you as unconfident.

But what if we go backwards and you ignore the fact that you don’t like your haircut and therefore act as normal?

You won’t give off that body language, and therefore no one will perceive you as unconfident.

So, you know confidence all comes from within; why is it important that you have it?

Biologically, humans perceive confidence in the same way as control. If someone appears confident, your initial subconscious thought is that that person seems in control. This then leads you to trust that person more because they can clearly make important decisions, which leads to you feeling safe.

And who doesn’t want to give off those signals?

So, how do we increase our confidence?

Improving your self-image.

Improving your self-image is the quickest and most effective way to increase your confidence because if you’re happy with who you are as a person, then you have nothing to feel unconfident about. This can be broken down into 3 factors:

  • How do you look?

  • How do you feel?

  • The goals that you are setting

If you look and feel how you want to and are constantly working towards your goals and getting closer, then you will naturally have more confidence.

Set realistic standards.

The gap between where you are and where you want to be will also dictate your confidence.

If that gap is stupidly big, then you will always feel like a failure and unconfident, as you’re not who you want to be.

Social media doesn’t help with these standards; it's pretty easy to see someone online with a dream physique and feel unconfident, as yours isn’t the same.

To combat this, you need to set realistic standards and make sure those standards are your own and not someone else's.

Surround yourself with like-minded people.

As confidence comes from within, most of it is just in your head, so surrounding yourself with likeminded people who are doing similar things to you or are on a similar mission means that you can voice your thoughts and get feedback from those that understand.

It's like when you talk to your friends and can relate your problems back and forth and come to the conclusion that they shouldn’t be problems in the first place!


Great, you know what you need to do to increase your confidence, but what do the actionable next steps actually look like?

Improving your self-image.

Improvising your self-image is done through working out and working on yourself; there's not really any other way around it, unfortunately.

It can be as simple as going to the gym three times a week, getting a weekly haircut, and buying yourself some better clothes, and from there, the snowball will just keep rolling.

Set realistic standards.

Setting realistic goals means setting attainable goals for yourself—not goals that others have set that you want to try and replicate but goals that take into account who you are as a person and what your priorities are.

Surround yourself with like-minded people.

To surround yourself with likeminded people, you need to find out where they are, and more often than not, they are already in groups, discords, or communities that you need to join and make yourself known in.

Look at the creators that you watch; do they have any free communities that you can join?


The book of the week is ‘Peak’ by Anders Ericsson, a book about the science behind how to hit peak performance and become the best you can possibly be using various methods and principles. Read it HERE



Free yourself from society's advice, most of them have no idea of what they're doing anyway.

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