3 Tools To 10x Productivity

Everyone loves a productivity hack, something you can do to get more out of the work you put in, and so here are 3 productivity tools that you can use right away to increase how much work you get done in the limited time that you have.


“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt


341 Words | 1 Min 14 Sec Read

Everyone loves a productivity hack, something you can do to get more out of the work you put in, and so here are 3 productivity tools that you can use right away to increase how much work you get done in the limited time that you have.

A Kitchen Timer

A kitchen timer is the most underrated productivity tool you can use to get more sh*t done! Firstly, because you can set yourself specific times to complete tasks, but also because you can incorporate different time management methods such as the Pomodoro technique, the Pareto principle, and many others.

There's also just something unique about having a physical timer that you can set and look at to track your progress. Furthermore, when you know you have a task to complete and you can give yourself a certain amount of time to do it, you feel more inclined to get it done. Win, Win, Win

Google Calendar

Next is Google Calendar, a scheduling tool that you can use to level up your productivity. In countless different ways, from time blocking, note-taking, creating routines, setting reminders, and more, it's basically the place where you should manage your life going forward if you’re not already doing so.

The best use case for it is creating your daily routine and using Parkinson's Law to time block and get 3x the amount of work done.

Focus Mode

Finally, there is focus mode, one that may seem obvious but one that you probably don’t use. You can create focus modes on your phone depending on the task that you’re doing and set custom boundaries for each task. The reason this is such a good tool is because it eliminates the possibility of you being distracted by your phone when you’re trying to get something done.

This works whether you’re at the gym, in class, or trying to complete a task. You can still eliminate the chances of your phone getting in the way without having to lock it in a drawer or put it in aeroplane mode.


Use the tools in front of your face; they are designed to increase your productivity, and getting into the habit of using the ones that benefit you will bit by bit level up your life.


3 tools to level up your productivity:

  • A Kitchen Timer

  • Google Calendar

  • Focus Mode


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The creator of the week is @Danieldargan, a self-improvement creator who makes motivational, straight-to-the point content pretty much daily. He’s a refreshing voice for your feed, so definitely check him out.


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