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3 High Income Skills You Need To Learn

The world as we know it is composed of skills. Skills are what make a profession, they make our hobbies, what we love and hate to do and most importantly they dictate how valuable we are as people.


“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”

Zig Ziglar


486 Words | 1 Min 46 Sec Read

The world as we know it is composed of skills.

Skills are what make a profession, they make our hobbies, what we love and hate to do and most importantly they dictate how valuable we are as people.

Skills are what give us our intrinsic value and our worth in the eyes of other people.

Therefore, it only makes sense to spend your time learning and developing the most high value skills possible to help you become a more high value person.

So let’s get into 3 of them…

Content Creation

The first high-value skill you need to learn is the skill of content creation.

Content creation is the ability to articulate and speak a certain topic down the lens of a camera to potentially millions and millions of people.

In fact, it doesn’t even have to be speaking; it can be writing, illustrating, or whatever it is that you think you can do best.

Content creation is also the skill of understanding what makes good content and how to capture and cultivate an audience to the point where you can start to create influence through the words you speak and write.

If you can become an expert at creating content, then you can capture attention, and attention is the most valuable resource in this day.

The reason being that it's attention that makes money.


The second skill is teaching, which does seem a bit random, but once you understand it, it will all make sense.

Whenever you have a skill you want to sell, you can sell it in two main ways:

  • The first way is to package it up and sell that skill to companies as a service.

  • The second way is to teach the skill that you learned.

And if you can learn how to teach, well then you can do both and practically double your income. This is a prime example of multiplying the income that he had just by learning one extra skill, the ability to teach.

And once you have the ability to teach, you can teach whatever you want to due to the fact that it's an ever-green skill that works in every and any industry that you could think of, from gymnastics to mechanical engineering.


The last and final skill is the skill of networking, which can really be split up into two separate skills:

  1. The skill of understanding people

  2. The skill of finding like-minded people

If you’ve ever heard the saying ‘It's about who you know, not what you know’ or ‘Your network is your net worth’ then the importance of networking will make slightly more sense.

Networking is the art of connecting with other people, and to do this in an efficient way, it's all about connecting with like-minded people because the more people you know, the more connections you have, and the more opportunity you ultimately have.

And it’s opportunity that brings money.


3 High income skills that you need to learn…

Content Creation:

The ability to articulate and speak a certain topic down the lens of a camera to potentially millions and millions of people.


If you learn how to teach, then you can practically double your income.


The more people you know, the more connections you have, and the more opportunity you ultimately have.

And it’s opportunity that brings money.


The book of the week is ‘Never Split the Difference’ by Chris Voss, the ultimate book on negotiation and how to get what you want, when you want it. Check it out here!


The creator of the week is @MattD’Avella, a long-time YouTube creator who has created some of the best self-improvement content on the planet - check him out.


To those on the verge of giving up:

You may not be getting paid in money, but you are getting paid in experience.

Earn enough of it and money will come.


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