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  • 🌳 The 3 Attributes Of Success

🌳 The 3 Attributes Of Success

The formula to success really isn’t as complicated as people think. People tend to assume that you need this algorithm to succeed, you need secrets and insights from the greatest minds and because of that, they think it far fetched. So far-fetched that it’s not even worth trying.


"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."

Henry Ford


The success formula

The formula to success really isn’t as complicated as people think. People tend to assume that you need this algorithm to succeed, you need secrets and insights from the greatest minds and because of that, they think it far fetched. So far-fetched that it’s not even worth trying. Whether they use that as an excuse not to try or truly believe is different to the individual. Success however is nothing more than a few well-known factors put together, factors that we all have access to but don’t take advantage of which has been proved through history to create some of the greatest ever to live.

Here are the main 3 factors:


Luck plays a HUGE part in success and those who say it doesn’t are in denial. There are pros and cons to this factor, the pros being that we don’t have control over it and the cons being that we don’t have control over it. It’s sort of a flip of a coin because well you don’t know if the side it lands on will benefit you however, there are ways to increase your luck in life slightly and that is by taking more opportunities.

What’s meant by that is you’ll find people that do nothing with their lives, they live in their parent’s basement complaining about how lucky other people are and pity-ing their own lives although they do nothing. Luck is both a game of chance and a game of increasing your chance.

If for every 10 businesses that are created 9 of them fail then you have to create to increase your chances of one succeeding. That all comes from taking action and actually doing to hopefully get a successful result.

So compared to the man stuck in his basement, you can go out more, do more things, and take on more opportunities because it's very rare that luck just falls into your lap but you are much more likely for it to fall into your lap if you open all the windows in your house for it to come in.


Consistency is another huge player in achieving success and the reason is that it’s the reason that so many others end up failing. Being consistent is one of the hardest things to do in many cases because it requires discipline, grit and determination and for many cases, it requires you to keep doing something for a long period of time before anything comes out positive on

the other end of it which is borderline insanity.

Consistency requires belief in your mission and the path that you’re walking, It requires you to block out all of the external noise and focus on what matters to you regardless of what you’re told and for that reason, to be consistent is a treasured attribute for one to have. It’s loyalty to the highest degree.


Risk is the third factor that makes a successful person and Is possibly the most important one because without any risk nothing will come out of it. If you play everything safe, take the safe job, the safe option then you don’t go outside your comfort zone which means you don’t trigger the need to take action.

People are scared to take risks because risk prompts possible failure and that is what holds people back. If that’s the case for you then you have to re-brand what failure means to you. Why is it considered such a bad thing? Why are you scared of it? Whats the worst that can happen? If you can eliminate the reason you’re scared of taking risks, not only will you make your life much easier but you will become more fulfilled as you will do the things that you know you should do and that you want to do with no regret or worry.


One of these three things you can control now and that’s taking risk, the other two will start to appear over time therefore, start to calculate the risk that you can take that will put you in a better place than you are now.


Anyone can succeed, not everyone shares the attributes to.


The book of the week is ‘7 Habits of highly effective people’ by Stephen R. Covey. A fantastic read that goes into so much more depth than you would think that explores the principles of effective self-leadership, influence, collaboration, and improvement. You can read it HERE


The creator of the week is @Joshterryplays, an extremely well-spoken creator who makes simple but intriguing content all focused on making your life better. His videos are straightforward, easy to understand and consume and he’s someone that you want on your timeline. Check him out HERE


The way you do anything is the way you do everything.

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