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  • 🌳 2 Ways To Overcome Failure

🌳 2 Ways To Overcome Failure

Failure is considered an awful thing, when you fail in something you tend to feel this pressure, worry and uncertainty. It kind of feels like the end of the world, It consumes you and massively limits your view of the future as all you can think about is how you’re going to wake up tomorrow and keep progressing feeling like a failure.


“We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more in imagination than in reality.”



Failure is considered an awful thing, when you fail in something you tend to feel this pressure, worry and uncertainty. It kind of feels like the end of the world, It consumes you and massively limits your view of the future as all you can think about is how you’re going to wake up tomorrow and keep progressing feeling like a failure.

But stepping aside from why you may feel like that, why is failure considered such a bad thing? Is it because of what we were told in school? Ya know you learn, do a test and you either pass or fail. If you pass you get all the rewards and if you fail you get punishments. Was it because of how you were brought up with pressure on your shoulders and failure considered a terrible thing in your household? Probably a mix of all of them. Well, believe it or not, it’s not a bad thing whatsoever not in the slightest. Just look back through history at the greatest people to ever live and see what they say about it. You have quotes like:

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” —Robert F. Kennedy

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” —Albert Einstein

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” —Winston Churchill

You see they welcome it, they invite it into their home and figure out how to take advantage of it.

Stepping stone

The first method to overcome failure is to treat it like it's a stepping stone. Not as the end of something but as a signal to take another direction. These stepping stones don’t have to be building a business but for each girl that rejects you, you’re building up your character stone by stone or you fail the test maybe it’s a sign to take a different direction or take a step to work harder. It’s always a lesson and your best bet is to treat it as such because then it doesn’t feel like a failure it feels like ‘Okay that happened, where do I go from here?’

You see you either fail and because of it you sob and you’re sad and you hate everything or you fail and think ‘Which is the best step forward?’ and thats the distinguisher.

Failure is a perception

Failure is only a negative and bad thing if you perceive it as so and you may be thinking ‘but It’s not that im going to be sad it’s how others will react.’ Their reaction to it is based entirely on how YOU PERCEIVE it.

The main reason people are scared to fail is fear of how those around them will react, how their parents or family friends will see them after failing yet you can control their reaction to your failure more than you think.

If you make the failure a big deal then they will perceive it as such and make it a big deal and be disappointed whereas if you openly treat it as a lesson then those you’re trying to shield the failure from then they will see it as a lesson too.

Let’s put this into a scenario:

If let’s say for example had a huge school test that you have been studying for months and you failed it and as much as it upsets you, you’re more worried about what your family and friends will think so your plan is to come up with an excuse to why you failed - “There was a distraction or the test paper was different to what I was studying”. If you’re worried about what others will think then you need to control what they think. If you go back with an excuse as to why you failed, yes this takes away the shame a little but it adds pity which means people will see you as lower than them because they are treating you as a wounded puppy.

However, if you failed the test and had the plan to go and tell them with your chin up and focus on the next steps they won’t feel pity or shame or sadness they will feel what you feel.


Rewire your thoughts around failure. Look at it from a long-term perspective and as much as it feels like your world is crumbling around you understand it’s temporary.


Failure should be treated as a stepping stone and is only as severe as you perceive it.


The book of the week is Relentless by Tim Grover, a brilliant and inspirational read written by the personal trainer of some of the world’s greatest athletes such as Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan. He gives an insight into their minds, how they work and how to make it from good to great to relentless. Check it out HERE


The creator of the week is @Maxilifts a UK-based fitness creator with an Inspirational self-improvement twist on his content. He’s extremely transparent and shares common problems that young people face with insights on how to combat them. Definitely check him out HERE 


Find your unfair advantage.

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